

Wp2Hugo converts wordpress’s markdown meta data format into Hugo’s.

E.g., for an input of wordpress’s markdown like this,

# Dbab From Start To Finish

[category Tech][tags Debian,Ubuntu,Linux,DHCP,DNS,WPAD,dnsmasq,dbab]

The output Hugo’s meta data is:

title: "Dbab From Start To Finish"
date: "2015-12-06T09:57:45-05:00"
categories: ["Tech"]
tags: ["Debian","Ubuntu","Linux","DHCP","DNS","WPAD","dnsmasq","dbab"]


Wp2Hugo < wordpress.md > path/to/hugo.md


The metadata section in Hugo is called frontmatter. it “supports a few different formats”, and “each with their own identifying tokens”. What Icarus template uses is the TOML format, identified by '+++', and what hugo tutorials uses is YAML format, identified by '---'.

Here is an example of meta data in TOML format:

title = "Dbab From Start To Finish"
date = "2015-12-05T23:29:19-05:00"
categories = ["Tech"]
tags = ["Debian","Ubuntu","Linux","DHCP","DNS","WPAD","dnsmasq","dbab"]

Github apparently doesn’t understand the TOML format, so it just shows them as a long line of ugly strings; yet it understands the YAML format, and present it nicely as a table .


Update: I’ve switched over from the original TOML format to YAML format after the initial post, so that my .md source will look good on Github as well. The following code is just to demonstrate the gist shortcodes so it is still converting to the TOML format. You can find the latest Wp2Hugo code here.

BTW, hope Hugo can add such github code into their shortcodes support as well, since it will literally the same as the gist shortcode.

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